
Showing posts from April, 2020


People are dual faced - Smiles are misleading : smiles are fake : smiles are captivators of great lies . Hiding ugly faces inside homely smiles are probably the most destructable things that could possibly be .People tend to be something they are not ,their portrayal of self-image and self-personality seem to be quite disgusting than their aroma . The idea of pretendness seems to fascinate people in a way it has turned out to be crucial ,brutal and harsh upon self-growth . People craving attention for a mask they create for themselves is the idea of dualness which transforms your inner-self to dullness . Growth in terms of physicality may never be as important as growing your authenticity . But why not be you ? why wear a mask ? why get praised for something you are not ? Well , the reasons are complex , beyond understanding of those who tend to be themselves .Afterall you never know what ways they've walked through until you get into their shoes . Who would ever mind to g