
Showing posts from February, 2020


Somewhere around 11:52 pm ,I was looking at the stars out of the window and contemplating at its tranquility while my hands were tapping on this paper , trying to write something ; to turn my emotions to words and bring those words to life . Out of the blue, I felt that I often fail to appreciate how incredibly enchanting is the night sky which is a treat to the heart brokens ,  young dreamers and passionate lovers which aptly reminds me of you . And you remind me of how the moon kisses the  earth every night - with the only purpose of beautifying the darkness it possesses in such a magnificient way that the earth never fails to grace itself every other night . You remind me of the morning drops of  dews - so gentle on the leaves that the leaves might often forget its dreadful , dead and lifeless parts and just feel the calmness through its veins. . You remind me of the evening cool breeze of air - so soothing to the exhausted human lives that humans start feeling alive again ;  th