
Showing posts from June, 2020


I am a traveller , catching feelings - matching feelings Differing thoughts - what not  Concise words , precise notions , calculated emotions  Measured laughs , designated smiles  Handful of talks , treasured secrets  I ought to spill everything out  But whom? But who? But how? But how?  Now i lie ,  I am glittered in gold , painted in pain Standing on my strongest  Shallow inside , hollow on the heart  Broken hearted , with stolen smiles ; painted faces - painful faces  I used to be a writer but my pen disagreed to write - about myself  a dancer but my steps started to stumble , i stopped a  singer but my rhythms didnt tune well , i stopped An artist but i painted myself ugly , i stopped Again ! Stopped and moved , marched and  marched . Forward with things i had left behind With nothing , to nowhere All emptied and emptiness With them - to them  They see my perfectly crafted face , they love my beautifully painted smiles  But who sees the stains?  The colours i used to paint ? But wh