
Showing posts from November, 2019


The days are long and nights awful Staring at bare walls all day full Locked up in a room is a girl with dreams What misery of she ; her life has been ! Her heart just skips with every tear she drops Making all her smiles fade and then all hopes stop What a lonely little girl she has turned Where are her laughs? Her smiles are gone . Alone in the cruel world ; no one's by her side There were days when she jumped with pride Reminiscing all the memories she made Now all she sees is everything getting fade Where is the old her ? Everyday she seeks Realizes she's a living corpse searching for peace She only craves for friendship and love Remembers what lives she has lost all above Asks herself where did she go wrong Everyone left her when she was long gone Now she is the one that is  longing for love When there were days when she was for everyone above Then she sees her nerves trembling with fear What a pity ! Oh love ! Her end is near .    

MY 11:11 WISH

A starry , hushed and a dark night ; when the moon's charisma leaves the world at halt , when million stars in sky sum up just to enlighten broken dreams ; this is where my world begins . My small world of us with you in it . When the clock strikes a perfect 11:11 , I close my eyes and take a deep breath . This is when my soul fills up with thoughts ; the thoughts which suddenly turns out to be your beautiful face , your priceless smile and the gem of a heart you have within . Wishes which used to be mine are now ours. Forever is a long time but it seems like with you by my side ; it would somewhere be magical ; hell of an adventure and everything i could ask for . These dreams are somewhat keeping me alive in this imaginary world of us ; somewhere beautifying my blushes and making me love my imperfections over and again . Suddenly the beautiful moment fades , the time tends to be 11:12 and I fall asleep , but with you in my heart , with all my being together forever dreams of


Captivated around the mere walls of disappointments and helplessness ; Hovered in self thoughts all day long ; traumatized by the pressure vibrating in my nerves , I sit in my room helpless , hopeless and all with the realizations that kills you ; kills you internally and slowly all over your heart ,mind , and soul . My beginning of this saddening and frustrated soul started with the beginning of every allegations and pre-assumptions that were put by people to my all-set dreams that were ready to take its flight . My energy ,enthusiasm and spirit were not only broken but assassinated by opinions people threw on me . This was just the inception of peoples mindset taking all over my mindset and killing my inner peace . I was a bird ; all ready and prepared to fly high setting my wings and lifting my chest but little did i knew they were ready with a sword ; a sword of critisism and condemnation which targeted my little legs and heavy wings . Slowly and steadily my dreams were sha