Captivated around the mere walls of disappointments and helplessness ; Hovered in self thoughts all day long ; traumatized by the pressure vibrating in my nerves , I sit in my room helpless , hopeless and all with the realizations that kills you ; kills you internally and slowly all over your heart ,mind , and soul .

My beginning of this saddening and frustrated soul started with the beginning of every allegations and pre-assumptions that were put by people to my all-set dreams that were ready to take its flight . My energy ,enthusiasm and spirit were not only broken but assassinated by opinions people threw on me . This was just the inception of peoples mindset taking all over my mindset and killing my inner peace .

I was a bird ; all ready and prepared to fly high setting my wings and lifting my chest but little did i knew they were ready with a sword ; a sword of critisism and condemnation which targeted my little legs and heavy wings .

Slowly and steadily my dreams were shattered , my hopes were broken ; broken to extent of every possible thing that could inspire me to move further and kept me going . My every aspiration had already turned trivial .

I was trying hard to just fit in some oversized skin of something which was indeed not made for me . Neither the skin nor any of its kind was meant for me and my shattered hopes .

I was already lost much time back ; yet nobody noticed . I was someone and something else ; yet nobody cared . People who didnt notice and care were sick - sick in terms of pointing out every little flaw in me ; every fallacy and misapprehension  but were just too soon to judge you before they even recognized you .

These people are no one else but every single person out there who once harassed and killed some beautiful dreams that could once fly . My opinions didnt match their perceptions and their ideologies of being perfect  didnt fit right in my skin . And this was such a blunder - a blunder and mess altogether so strong that my self thoughts have destroyed my soul more than the blades would ever do to my skin .


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